
πŸ”‘ Australia Post Return Label

The action creates a shipment and the label is printed using the shipment id and item id returned after the shipment is created.


AU Post UsernamestringAustralia Post username provided by Australia Post Contact Person
AU Post PasswordstringAU Post password provided by Australia Post Contact Person
AU Post Account NumberstringAU Post Account Number from the contract with Australia Post
Order NumberstringShipment reference which is usually the order number
Shipper NamestringThe name of the shipper.
Shipper Address Line 1stringThe first line of the shipper's address.
Shipper Address Line 2stringThe address number (line 2) of the shipper's address.
Shipper SuburbstringShipper Suburb = city in Australia
Shipper Post CodestringThe zip code of the shipper in Brazil.
Shipper StatestringShipper Australian State
Receiver NamestringReceiver Company/Person Name
Receiver Address Line 1stringThe first line of the recipient's address.
Receiver Address Line 2stringThe zip code of the recipient.
Receiver StreetstringReceiver Street
Receiver SuburbstringThe city of the recipient's address.
Receiver StatestringThe Brazilian state of the recipient.
Receiver Post CodestringThe address number (line 2) of the recipient's address.


SuccessbooleanWhether label successfully generated
Tracking NumberstringThe tracking number associated with the label to track the return
Return Label URLstringReturn Label URL to Downdload from