Shopify Create Fulfillment

Creates a fulfillment for an existing Shopify order that’s in an open or in_progress state.
This action first retrieves fulfillment orders for a given orderId using Shopify Fulfillment Orders and then calls the fulfillmentCreateV2 GraphQL mutation to finalize the fulfillment.


Shopify TokenSensitiveStringShopify API Token
Shopify DomainStringShopify Domain
Order IDStringThe orderID is used to fetch and fulfill open/in-progress fulfillment orders.


Fulfillment Order IDStringFulfillment ID used for creating fulfilment
ErrorStrongError message

• The action verifies whether the fulfillment order status is open or in_progress before creating the fulfillment.
• If no valid fulfillment order is found or Shopify returns an error, the output Error field is populated.
• Make sure your Shopify Access Token grants permissions to read and update fulfillment orders.