Get Next Business Day Date
This action is used to find the date of the next business day. Currently, UK and US holiday calendars are supported. The timezone can be specified in order to add local information, otherwise the server local time zone will be used.
Name | Type | Description |
Time Zone | String | Ranges between GMT-12 to GMT+12 as well as UTC and Greenwich |
Include Holidays | String | An option to include US or UK holidays when looking for the next business day. |
Date Format
The date displayed in the outputs is at the same time of the day as the time of the execution of this action.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | String | ISO Format Date with Timezone |
Minute | String | Minute of the hour |
Hour | String | Hour of the day in 0-24 format |
Day | String | Day of the month |
Month | String | Month of the year as a number |
Year | String | Year in "2021" format |
Day of The Week | String | Name of the day of the week |
Updated over 1 year ago