Recharge Update Address

Used to update a selected number of attributes of an address in recharge.

Used to update a selected number of attributes of an address in recharge.

More info about updating the address object can be found here: <>


Recharge Access TokenSensitiveStringRecharge Access/API Token that allows us to make calls to the api.
Address IDStringID of the address we want to look up.
Address1Optional StringMain address
Address2Optional StringSub address ex: apartment number
CityOptional StringCity
CountryOptional StringCountry. Note: Postal Code needs to be updated if Country is updated.
Country CodeOptional StringCountry Code ex: US
Province / StateOptional StringProvince / State ex: California
Postal CodeOptional StringZip / Postal Code


SuccessBooleanWhether the address was updated.
Address DataObjectAddress data that was updated.