Whiplash V2 Change Shipping Address
Action used to change shipping address for orders in Whiplash.
Name | Type | Description |
Whiplash Access Token | SensitiveString | Whiplash Refresh Token |
Order Id | String | Whiplash Order Id |
Shipping Name | Optional String | The full name of the person associated with the shipping address. |
Shipping Address 1 | Optional String | The street address of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address 2 | Optional String | An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address. |
Shipping City | Optional String | The city, town, or village of the shipping address. |
Shipping State | Optional String | The name of the region (for example, province, state, or prefecture) of the shipping address. |
Shipping Zip | Optional String | The postal code (for example, zip, postcode, or Eircode) of the shipping address. |
Shipping Country | Optional String | The name of the country of the shipping address. |
Shipping Phone | Optional String | The phone number at the shipping address. |
Shipping Address Object | Optional Object | Entire object in the Shopify format. Including fields: shipping_name, shipping_address1, shipping_address2, shipping_city, shipping_state, shipping_zip, shipping_country, shipping_phone. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Whether the action was performed successfully |
Updated Order | Object | Updated Whiplash Order Object |
Formatted Address | String | Formatted shipping address after update |
Updated 3 days ago