Kustomer Send Message V2
Send a message via Kustomer using different channels.
Uses this endpoint under the hood: https://developer.kustomer.com/kustomer-api-docs/reference/createadraftbycustomer
Input | Type | Description |
Domain | String | Kustomer Domain |
Key | String | Kustomer API Key |
Conversation ID | String | Kustomer Conversation ID |
Message Body | String | Message body to send. |
Template ID | String | Template ID |
Send From Email | String | The email address that you are "sending from". |
Channel | String | The Kustomer Channel to use. Valid values: email, sms, whatsapp, chat, facebook, twitter-tweet, twitter-dm, note, instagram |
WhatsApp Meta | Object | WhatsApp Meta if using interactive or template WhatsApp message. Just provide an empty object for all other channels. |
Message Direction | Optional String | Direction of the message. In means inbound into Kustomer and out means outbound from Kustomer. Default is out. |
Output | Type | Decription |
Success | Boolean | Whether the message was successfully sent. |
Error | String | Error message or reason. |
Updated 10 months ago