Compare Terms

Given two terms, return the result of the comparison operation.

Compare two terms—inputs—with each other. Available comparison operations: equals, not equals, contains, not contains, is_greater_than, is_less_than, is_not_less_than, is_not_greater_than.

The two terms can be any type of input: flow inputs, action outputs, constant values and flow configurations.


The Compare Terms feature allows for comparing two terms using a specified comparison operator, returning the result of the operation. This is useful for validating equality, checking if a value contains another, or any other type of term comparison.


First Termfirst_termThe first term of the operation.
Second Termsecond_termThe second term of the operation.
Comparison OperatoroperationDefines how to compare the two terms (e.g., equals or contains).


SuccesssuccessBoolean indicating whether the comparison operation was successful.
ResultresultThe result of the comparison operation.


  • Ensure that both terms are of comparable types (e.g., string to string, number to number).
  • The comparison operator defines how the terms are compared (e.g., equality check or substring match).
  • Action ID for this operation: f5bcf362-f8c2-4b6e-9fe9-63f3057e0af1.