Gorgias List Tickets

This is a Gorgias action that is used to retrieve a list of Gorgias tickets for a given Customer ID.

The Gorgias endpoint information can be found here: https://developers.gorgias.com/reference/list-tickets

Action Inputs

KeyCredentialsYour Gorgias API key.
Customer IdStringThis is the Customer ID against which we will search for tickets.
UsernameCredentialsYour Gorgias user email, this will be the email of the agent on whose behalf the action is connecting to your account.
DomainCredentialsYour Gorgias sub-domain.

Action Outputs

TicketsListThis is a list of tickets for the given Customer ID, arranged in Date Opened Descending order.
SuccessBoolean (true/false)Whether the API call successfully ran or not.