Gorgias List Tickets
This is a Gorgias action that is used to retrieve a list of Gorgias tickets for a given Customer ID.
The Gorgias endpoint information can be found here: https://developers.gorgias.com/reference/list-tickets
Action Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
Key | Credentials | Your Gorgias API key. |
Customer Id | String | This is the Customer ID against which we will search for tickets. |
Username | Credentials | Your Gorgias user email, this will be the email of the agent on whose behalf the action is connecting to your account. |
Domain | Credentials | Your Gorgias sub-domain. |
Action Outputs
Name | Type | Description |
Tickets | List | This is a list of tickets for the given Customer ID, arranged in Date Opened Descending order. |
Success | Boolean (true/false) | Whether the API call successfully ran or not. |
Updated about 2 months ago