Update Account Category
Update Account category captures requests about updating general customer information rather than specific order.
Update Account
If the AI predicts that the request is generally regarding updating account but does not detect any of the specific intents below then the predicted intent will be Update Account.
Change Password
Customer requesting to reset their password.
- Im not sure where to reset the password
- Hello. I haven't been able to login so have tried several times to reset my password but it keeps appearing in red saying: Reset password token is invalid
- hi, i would like to change my email and password on my account but don'tsee where to do this. could you help?
Tag: dg-change-password
Delete Account
Customer requesting to delete their account.
-Please delete my account and my account records from the xxx database.
- hello please delete my recently created account as its no use to me
- i wish to close my account. king regards
Tag: dg-delete-account
Update Account Information
Customer asking to update their email / name or any other account related information.
- Hi, I realized I gave the wrong email address for my latest order. How do I update it so I can get the order confirmation
- i need to change my account to the above email address
Tag: dg-update-account-info
Update Account Information vs Change Order
There is some potential overlap between these 2 intents. Generally the AI is likely to detect Change Order if the customer also mentions their order/shipment etc.
Deprecated in English
In english, this intent has been split into 2: Change Name and Change Email Address.
Change Name
Customer asking to update their name in the system.
- Please correct my name in the system. I believe there is an autocorrect issue.
- I got married a short time ago. I have a new name, can you change it in your system
Tag: dg-change-name
Change Email Address
Customer asking to update their email address in the system.
- I would like to change my email address assigned to my account. But unfortunately, there is no option to do it on my own. Is it possible to change it for me?
- Hi I just made an order and my email address is wrong it should be [email protected]
Tag: dg-change-email
Newsletter Unsubscribe
Customer requesting to unsubscribe them from the newsletter.
- Please take me off your mailing list. Having been a fan this kind of pressure has alienated me. Just go away.
- Please unsubscribe me from any mailing catalogs.
- Please stop sending advertisements for shoes.
Tag: dg-newsletter-unsubscribe
Updated over 1 year ago