ReturnGO Search for Return

Searches for return using either order number or RMA ID

This action retrieves returns using either order number or RMA ID.

Selecting RMA:

  • Gives return details for the associated RMA number - only 1 return possible

Selecting Order Name:

  • Gives return details for the associated order number - can retrieve multiple returns


In order to use the action in your flow you need to provide it with the following inputs:

Search OptionStringPossible values: RMA or Order Name.
IDStringRMA: The ID of the RMA to get the details of. E.g. for RMA1234, the ID is 1234

Order Name: The ID of the order associated with the return - for Shopify customers, the field is typically called order_name
Shop NameStringThis refers to the x-shop-name header in the API. The shop to operate on, e.g.

To find your shop URL, click on the "copy" icon next to your store name at the top of the ReturnGO dashboard.
API KeyStringAuthentication key


SuccessBooleanTrue if managed to find return; False if no return found.
All Returns DataObjectObject containing all of the returns data associated with an order number (this output is only relevant if you select the 'Order Name' search option.
Latest Return DataObjectObject containing data on the latest return

This action uses the following ReturnGO endpoints:

  • GET /rmas
    • We're using the filters pagesize = 10 and order_name in the query parameters
  • GET /rma/{{rmaid}}