Zendesk Batch Attachments

Action for adding multiple URL-based attachments to a Zendesk ticket as a non-public comment.


This action allows you to:

  • Upload multiple attachments to a Zendesk ticket using file URLs
  • Add a comment along with the attachments
  • All comments are set as non-public by default
  • Files are automatically named based on their URL if no name is provided


Ticket IDStringID of the Zendesk ticket to updateYes
File URLsStringSingle URL or comma-separated list of URLs to attachYes
Body CommentStringText content for the ticket commentYes
Zendesk TokenCredentialsYour Zendesk API tokenYes
Zendesk UsernameCredentialsYour Zendesk email with /tokenYes
Zendesk SubdomainCredentialsYour Zendesk subdomain (from your Zendesk URL)Yes


SuccessBooleanIndicates if the operation completed successfully
Attachments ProcessedNumberCount of attachments successfully added to the ticket

Example Usage

  "ticket": "12345",
  "fileURLs": ["https://example.com/file1.pdf", "https://example.com/file2.jpg"],
  "bodyComment": "Attached are the requested files",
  "token": "YOUR_ZENDESK_TOKEN",
  "username": "email@domain.com/token",
  "subdomain": "your-subdomain"

Error Handling

  • Success is true only if all files are uploaded and the comment is posted
  • If any file fails to upload, the action returns success: false with an error message
  • Each successful file upload is counted in attachments_processed