Google Spreadsheet To List

This action is used get a list of values from a Google speadsheet.


Spreadsheet IDStringThe id of the spreadsheet.
Get the file id (Step 5)
Credentials JSONObjectService account credentials.
Get the credentials
Spreadsheet Tab NameStringThe tab name of the sheet.
Get the tab name (Step 6)
Spreadsheet Columns RangeStringColumn names range to extract.
A:A, A:B, A:C, B:F
First Row TitleBooleanWhether to use the first row as title.


SuccessBooleanWhether the data was successfully extracted
Result ListListExtracted data



First Row Title

If this value is true first row will be used as key.

Spreadsheet Columns Range: A:D


Result List

[{"id": "cell 1", "first name": "cell 2", "second name": "cell 3", "date": "cell 4"}]


First Row Title

If this value is false the column name will be used as key.

Result List

[{"A": "id", "B": "first name", "C": "second name", "D": "date"}, {"A": "cell 1", "B": "cell 2", "C": "cell 3", "D": "cell 4"}]

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