
CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score)


Configure the CSAT feature in the chat widget to collect user feedback. CSAT will only be requested once during a session. If the user gives feedback when prompted by the flow or if the agent leaves the chat, the widget won't request CSAT again when the chat ends.

csat: {
  isEnabled: boolean;
  type: string;
  commentsCharacterLimit: number;
  emojis: string[];
  iconColors: {
    stars: string | string[];
    thumbs: string | string[];
    smiles: string | string[];
    thermometer: string[];
  iconActiveColors: {
    stars: string | string[];
    thumbs: string | string[];
    smiles: string | string[];
    thermometer: string[];
  flowId?: string;
  • isEnabled - Whether or not csat is enabled for the widget.
  • type - Defines the type of CSAT UI to display. Options include: emojis, stars, thumbs, smiles, thermometer.
  • commentsCharacterLimit - Limits the number of characters allowed in the CSAT comments input. Default is 320.
  • emojis - An array of emojis that are displayed when type is set to emojis. Default: ['😡', '😞', '😶', '🙂', '🤩'].
  • iconColors - Colors to apply to icons, if a string is provided, the color will apply to all icons. If an array is provided, the first colour in the array will apply to the first icon and so forth. Does not apply when type is set to emojis.
  • iconActiveColors - Colors to apply to icons when hovered, focused or selected. Follows the same rules as iconColors.
  • flowId - The flow to execute when csat is provided.

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