
Carousel Component

Carousel Component

The Carousel component allows you to display a series of slides, such as products or images, in a horizontal or vertical scrollable UI. You can customise the carousel's appearance and functionality with several properties.

Key Properties:

  • slideOrientation: Defines how the carousel slides are displayed. Use the following values:
    • horizontal: For landscape images.
    • vertical: For portrait images.
    • square: For square images.
    • none: No specific orientation.
  • carouselType (optional): Used to trigger the onCarouselDisplay callback. This property is passed to the callback when the carousel is shown.
  • payload: An array of objects where each object represents a single slide. The following properties can be included:
    • id: The unique identifier for the slide (e.g., a product).
    • trackingId (optional): Used for analytics tracking.
    • image: A URL to the image displayed for the slide. Not required if variants are provided.
    • title: The name/title of the slide. Supports markdown.
    • description: A brief description of the slide. Supports markdown.
    • price (optional): Displays the price on the slide (overridden by variant prices, if any). Supports markdown.
    • externalLink (optional): A URL that opens in a new tab when the slide is clicked.
    • buttonText (optional): Text for the main action button (e.g., "Buy").
    • variants (optional): If variants are provided, thumbnail images for each variant will be displayed. Variant-specific data, such as price, externalLink, and trackingId, override the top-level values when selected.
    • secondaryButton (optional): Properties for displaying a second action button.
      • text: The label for the secondary button.
      • callbackName: The name of a custom callback, triggered when the secondary button is clicked.
      • externalLink (optional): A URL that opens in a new tab when clicked.
      • disabled (optional): Disables the secondary button if set to true.

Example Carousel Configuration with Variants:

  "type": "carousel",
  "slideOrientation": "horizontal",
  "carouselType": "product-carousel",
  "payload": [
      "id": 1,
      "trackingId": "apple",
      "image": "https://www.some-cdn/image1.jpg",
      "title": "Apple",
      "description": "Apple slide",
      "externalLink": "",
      "price": "£10",
      "secondaryButton": {
        "text": "Add to cart",
        "callbackName": "onAddToCart",
        "disabled": false
      "variants": [
          "id": 8,
          "image": "https://www.some-cdn/image1.jpg", // Required
          "title": "Red apple",
          "description": "A red apple",
          "price": "£1",
          "externalLink": "",
          "trackingId": "111"
          "id": 9,
          "image": "https://www.some-cdn/image2.jpg", // Required
          "title": "Green apple",
          "description": "A green apple",
          "price": "£2",
          "externalLink": "",
          "trackingId": "222"

Carousel Variant Properties:

  id: string | number;       // Required
  image: string;             // Required
  title?: string;            // Optional
  description?: string;      // Optional
  name?: string;             // Optional
  price?: string;            // Optional
  externalLink?: string;     // Optional
  trackingId?: string | number; // Optional

Callbacks for Carousel Events:

onCarouselDisplay: Triggered when the carousel is displayed. The carouselType (if provided) is passed to the callback.

    window.DG_CHAT_WIDGET_CONFIG = {
      widgetId: 'f0c07546-af4c-4963-9e23-3e9343eaf13b',
      env: '',
      version: '2.1.0',
      callbacks: {
        onCarouselDisplay: (carouselType) => {

onCarouselSelection: Triggered when a slide is selected. This callback receives the trackingId, slideData, carouselType, and carouselPayload as parameters.

    widgetId: 'f0c07546-af4c-4963-9e23-3e9343eaf13b',
    env: '',
    version: '2.1.0',
    callbacks: {
      onCarouselSelection: (trackingId, slideData, carouselType, carouselPayload) => {
        console.log(trackingId, slideData, carouselType, carouselPayload);