
DHL Parcel DE Return Label

Print DHL Parcel DE Return Label


Account NumberCredentialsAccount Number from Account Manager portal
UsernameCredentialsDHL username
PasswordCredentialsDHL password
Receiver IDStringUnique Identifier of the receiver
Customer NumberStringNumber of the Customer
Reference NumberStringReference Number
Shipper NameStringShipper Name
Shipper Street NameStringShipper Street Name
Shipper House NumberStringShipper House Number
Shipper Post/Zip CodeStringShipper Post/Zip Code
Shipper PhoneStringShipper Phone
Shipper EmailStringShipper Email
Shipper CityStringShipper City
Shipper Country CodeStringShipper Country Code
Flow IDStringDG Flow ID
Execution External IDStringDG External ID
File NameStringFile Name
DG API KeyCredentialsDG API Key
DG API SecretCredentialsDG API Secret
Parcel DescriptionOptional StringONLY FOR PL Country Code - Parcel Description


SuccessBooleanWhether label successfully generated
LabelStringLabel URL
Shipment numberStringShipment number