
The styles object allows you to customise the appearance of your widget by modifying icons, fonts, and applying CSS styles.

  styles: {
    icons: {
      Close: '<Some svg code here>',
      WindowMinimize: {
        src: '<Some svg code here>',
        size: 18
    widgetStyles: {
      '.dg-chat-header': {
        color: '#222',
        backgroundColor: '#fff'
    launcherStyles: {
      '.dg-chat-launcher': {
        color: '#222',
        backgroundColor: '#fff'
    proactiveStyles: {
      '.dg-proactive-button': {
        color: '#222',
        backgroundColor: '#fff'
    fonts: [
        fontFamily: 'DG Primary',
        type: 'woff2',
        url: 'https://your-primary-font.woff2',
        role: 'primary',
        fontFamily: 'DG Medium',
        type: 'woff2',
        url: 'https://your-medium-font.woff2'
        fontFamily: 'DG Bold',
        type: 'woff2',
        url: 'https://your-bold-font.woff2'

Customization Options

  • widgetStyles: Customise the CSS for the widget elements, such as headers, body, etc.
  • launcherStyles: Customise the CSS for the launcher elements (the button to open the widget).
  • proactiveStyles: Customise the CSS for the proactive button elements.
  • fonts: Define custom fonts. The role property lets you specify the primary font, which will be applied throughout the widget.
  • icons: Use custom SVG icons. You can either pass an SVG as a string or use an object to define the icon and its size.


The default font (DM Sans) can be overridden by passing an array of fonts as per the example above.

A custom font should be provided for each font weight and the fontFamily for each weight should be DG Primary, DG Medium or DG Bold.

The font with role: 'primary' is used for the majority of text throughout the widget.

Custom CSS

You can apply custom styles to any element within the DG iframes using widgetStyles and launcherStyles. These accept standard CSS properties, but since they are written in JavaScript, property names must be camelCased, and values should be strings.

When styling, use class names prefixed with dg- to ensure proper targeting. For example:

'.dg-chat-header': {
  color: '#222',
  backgroundColor: '#fff',
  textAlign: 'center',
  borderRadius: '10px!important'

If your styles aren't being applied as expected, try adding !important to force them to override the default DG styling.

Supported icons

The icons object allows you to replace the default icons used throughout the widget with custom ones. Below is a list of supported icon replacements:

Value nameReplaces...
CloseClose icon
WindowMinimizeMinimize chat icon
ImageImage attachment icon
UploadChat input upload icon
PaperClipUpload attachment icon
AngleRightCarousel arrow next icon
AngleLeftCarousel arrow previous icon
SendSend message arrow icon
ArrowDownDown arrow icon
LauncherIcon displayed within the launcher button
OpenInNewTabOpen in new tab icon
LoaderLoading icon
FileCircleCheckDrag and Drop icon
StarOutlineStar icon (stars CSAT)
StarStar Filled icon (stars CSAT)
ThumbsUpThumbs up icon (thumbs CSAT)
ThumbsDownThumbs down icon (thumbs CSAT)
FaceYayYay face icon (smiles CSAT)
FaceHappyHappy face icon (smiles CSAT)
FaceMehMeh face icon (smiles CSAT)
FaceDisappointedDisappointed face icon (smiles CSAT)
FaceAngryAngry face icon (smiles CSAT)
DownloadDownload attachment icon
PreviewPreview attachment icon
FeedbackPositiveOptional icon for positive message feedback, falls back to ThumbsUp if not provided
FeedbackNegativeOptional icon for negative message feedback, falls back to ThumbsDown if not provided
CheckmarkCheckmark used in checkboxes
TrashTrash bin icon
EyeOpenEye open icon, used to indicate an image is previewable
WifiExclamationUsed in the offline overlay to indicate no internet connection
TriangleExclamationIndicates a warning
CircleExclamationIndicates a warning, used primarily for input errors
PackingCircleIndicates that items should be packed
PackingCircle2Indicates that items should be packed carefully
HomeCircleIndicates that items should be kept
InfoIndicates important information
SearchSearch icon
PreciseLocationIndicates when precise location is available
LocationPinLocation pin icon

Styling Widget Containers

The widget injects specific containers into your page, which can be targeted using the following IDs:

  • #dg-chat: The outer container for the chat application.
  • #dg-chat-widget: The container for the chat dialog.
  • #dg-chat-widget-launcher: The container for the chat launcher.
  • #dg-chat-widget-proactive: The container for proactive chat buttons.

To style these containers, you must apply custom styles in your website CSS that targets these selectors.

Additionally, you can style the dimensions (width, height) and position of these containers via configuration. For more details, refer to the widget position & dimensions section.