Return Details Step

The step displayed after a return has been submitted. From here, the user can download the return lable, view shipping information, view product return details and cancel the return.

Example Flow

If a return is cancelled, the portal is closed and the nextType is executed, which should almost always be product_selection.

  "type": "return_details",
  "nextType": "product_selection",
  "payload": {
    "status": "return_submitted",
    "orderDate": "2024-01-07T00:00:00",
    "orderNumber": "R699472100",
    "deliveryDate": "2024-01-10T00:00:00",
    "returnSubmittedDate": "2024-01-02T00:00:00",
    "returnDeadlineDate": "2024-02-02T00:00:00",
    "returnDetailButtons": [
        "url": "",
        "type": "return_label"
        "type": "shipping_info"
    "returnedProducts": [
        "id": "O111111",
        "name": "Cloudrunner 2",
        "size": {
          "displayName": "UK 9",
          "sizeSystem": "UK"
        "image": "",
        "price": {
          "amount": 149.99,
          "currencyCode": "GBP"
        "colour": "Black",
        "quantity": 5,
        "returnQuantity": 2,
        "attachments": ["", ""],
        "returnOption": {
          "id": "store-credit",
          "text": "Store credit"
        "returnReason": {
          "id": "item-arrived-damaged",
          "text": "Item arrived damaged"
        "replacementDetails": {
          "size": {
            "value": "6.5",
            "displayName": "6.5"
          "image": "",
          "colour": "Mustard"
    "products": [
        "id": "O444444",
        "name": "Soft Flask 500ml",
        "image": "",
        "price": {
          "amount": 19.99,
          "currencyCode": "GBP"
        "quantity": 1


* indicates required field

type*The current step_type
nextType*The next step_type in the journey
payload.status*The status of the return.
payload.orderDate*The date the order was placed.
payload.orderNumber*The unique order number.
payload.returnLabel*The URL for the return label PDF.
payload.deliveryDateThe date the order was delivered.
payload.returnDeadlineDateThe deadline date for returning the order.
payload.returnDetailButtonsA list of buttons related to the return details.
payload.returnDetailButtons[].typeThe type of the button - return_label or shipping_info.
payload.returnDetailButtons[].urlThe URL for the button, if applicable.
payload.returnSubmittedDate*The date the return was submitted.
payload.returnedProducts*The list of products that are to be returned. Each product should contain the relevant returnReason, returnOption, attachments etc.
payload.productsThe list of products in the order that were not selected for return.

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