🔑 FedEx Get Estimated Delivery Date

Calculate an estimated delivery date based on locations and FedEx service.


Client IDCredentialsClient ID from FedEx Developer Portal
Client SecretCredentialsClient Secret from FedEx Developer Portal
Account NumberStringCustomer Account Number from FedEx Developer Portal
Shipper Postal CodeStringShipper Postal Code
Shipper Country CodeStringShipper Country Code
Recipient Postal CodeStringRecipient Postal Code
Recipient Country CodeStringRecipient Country Code
Order Shipment DateStringDate when the order was/will be shipped. Format is YYYY-MM-DD
Pickup TypeStringFedEx PickUp Type
Service TypeStringFedEx Service Type
ResidentialBooleanWhether the delivery is residential

Pick Up Types

			"Indicates FedEx will be contacted to request a pickup.",
			"Indicates Shipment will be dropped off at a FedEx Location.",
			"Indicates Shipment will be picked up as part of a regular scheduled pickup.",
			"Indicates the pickup will be scheduled by calling FedEx.",
			"Indicates the pickup by FedEx Ground Package Returns Program.",
			"Indicates the pickup at the regular pickup schedule.",
			"Indicates the pickup specific to an Express tag or Ground call tag pickup request."

Service Types

			"FedEx 2Day®",
			"FedEx 2Day® A.M.",
			"FedEx Custom Critical Air",
			"FedEx Custom Critical Air Expedite",
			"FedEx Custom Critical Air Expedite Exclusive Use",
			"FedEx Custom Critical Air Expedite Network",
			"FedEx Custom Critical Point To Point",
			"FedEx Custom Critical Surface Expedite",
			"FedEx Custom Critical Surface Expedite Exclusive Use",
			"FedEx Distance Deferred",
			"FedEx Europe First",
			"FedEx Express Saver®",
			"FedEx First Overnight®",
			"FedEx First Overnight® EH",
			"FedEx Ground",
			"FedEx Home Delivery®",
			"FedEx International Airport-to-Airport",
			"FedEx International Connect Plus®",
			"FedEx International Economy",
			"FedEx International Economy DirectDistributionSM",
			"FedEx International First®",
			"FedEx International MailService®",
			"FedEx International Premium™",
			"FedEx International Priority DirectDistribution®",
			"FedEx International Priority® Express",
			"FedEx International Priority® (New IP Service)",
			"FedEx International Priority Plus®",
			"FedEx Priority Overnight®",
			"FedEx Priority Overnight® EH",
			"FedEx SameDay®",
			"FedEx SameDay® City",
			"FedEx Ground® Economy (Formerly known as FedEx SmartPost®)",
			"FedEx Standard Overnight® EH",
			"FedEx Standard Overnight®",
			"FedEx Transborder Distribution",
			"Temp-Assure Air®",
			"Temp-Assure Validated Air®",
			"White Glove Services®",
			"FedEx Regional Economy®",
			"FedEx Regional Economy® Freight",
			"FedEx International Priority® (Old IP Service)",
			"FedEx 1 Day Freight",
			"FedEx 2 Day Freight",
			"FedEx 3 Day Freight",
			"FedEx First Overnight Freight",
			"FedEx Next Day Afternoon",
			"FedEx Next Day Morning",
			"FedEx Next Day End of Day",
			"FedEx Next Day Mid Morning",
			"International Economy Freight",
			"International Priority Freight"