Dixa Get EndUser Conversations

Retrieves conversations for specified User ID


This action is designed to search for conversations(tickets) a specified Customer has raised in Dixa, using the Customer's UserID.


Dixa API KeyStringThe Clients Dixa API Key
User IDStringThe Customers UserID in Dixa
Page LimitStringThe number of Conversations you wish to retrieve


ConversationsListList of Conversations raised by the Customer
SuccessBooleanIndicates whether conversations were successfully found

Technical Details

  • Endpoint: https://dev.dixa.io/v1/endusers/{userid}/conversations
  • Method: GET
  • Runtime: Node.js 20.x
  • Memory: 256MB


Authentication is handled through:

  1. Direct API Key authentication using the Authorization header
  2. DG Flow Module Login credentials when provided

Response Format

The action returns an object containing:

  success: boolean,    // true if conversations found, false otherwise
  conversations: []    // array of conversation objects

Rate Limiting

If a rate limit is encountered (HTTP 429), the action will:

  1. Wait for 2 seconds
  2. Retry the request
  3. Continue this pattern until successful or a different error occurs