Filter List

Filter a list of JSON objects based on a comparison applied to one of the fields in each object.


The Filter List feature enables the extraction of specific items from a list of JSON objects by applying a comparison to one of the fields. This is useful for data filtering, targeted processing, or generating subsets of data.


Comparison Operatorcomparison_typeDetermines the type of comparison: equals or contains.
Case Sensitivecase_sensitiveBoolean indicating whether the comparison is case-sensitive.
Items to Filteritems_listThe list of JSON objects to filter.
JSON Pathvalue_pathThe JSON path in each item pointing to the value to be compared.
Comparison Valuecomparison_valueThe value to compare the JSON path value against.


SuccesssuccessBoolean indicating whether the filtering was successful.
Filtered Listresult_listThe filtered list of items that satisfy the comparison.
Number of Itemsresults_countThe count of items in the filtered list.


  • Ensure the JSON path provided is valid for all objects in the input list.
  • When using contains, partial matches will be identified in the specified field.
  • The case-sensitive option can be toggled to fine-tune comparisons as needed.
  • Action ID for this operation: 385ad7b2-64c9-41b8-a7d7-ceb961ab478c.