In Store Category
In Store category captures all customer requests about physical stores. Most of the requests picked up by that intent are related to a precise store, not all stores in general. Usually customers will mention which store they are talking about in their request.
In Store
If the AI predicts that the request is generally about a store request but does not detect any of the specific intents below then the predicted category will be In Store and the predicted intent will be Change Order as well.
Negative Feedback
Customer has a negative feedback about one of the stores. This usually concerns staff complaints.
- I would like to make a complaint against the manager in XXX shop in YYY in the town centre. A women was offending and disrespecting me by shouting and me and raising her voice for a little matter [...]
- Hello we went to your new store in XXX around 7.45 last night we went to purchase some items but the queue was enormous with 2 new till staff who were really struggling, we stood in line for over 10 minutes and still we waited and waited but still no other staff came to help
Tag: dg-store-negative-feedback
Positive Feedback
Customer has a positive feedback about one of the stores. This usually concerns staff.
- I would like to praise a member of your staff at the London store .. He was very helpful and knowledgeable when I asked for his help other day.
- Today yet again I have had proof that excellent service and a well run store come from the top.
Tag: dg-store-positive-feedback
This intent captures suggestions of customers about one of the stores. It can also be staff suggestions from store staff.
Products suggestions, store design suggestions...
- All stores should have recycling bins in staff rooms!
- Give all stores a couple of specially printed Lines of the week barkers to place around the store to highlight the products.
- I think that bringing pokemon cards/toys into our stores would be a great idea, and bring in profit
Tag: dg-store-suggestions
Store Opening Time
Customer asking stores opening time, when the stores will re-open. This intent might also capture some complaints about stores being closed when they should be open.
- What time is the store open tomorrow please
- boxing day openings query
- We are finding your XXX store is quite often closed during its opening hours. We went there on Saturday & found a note on the door saying they were closed for an hour and a half when they should of been open.
Tag: dg-store-opening
Updated 10 months ago