
eBay Send Message via Inquiry


This action sends a message regarding an inquiry based on the provided inquiry ID.


appIdStringeBay Application ID
certIdStringeBay Certificate ID
refreshTokenStringeBay Refresh Token
inquiryIDStringID of the inquiry
messageContentStringContent of the message to be sent


successBooleanWhether the message was successfully sent
dataObjectResponse data from eBay API


The following action will send a message regarding the inquiry with ID XXXXXX:

  "appId": "YourAppID",
  "certId": "YourCertID",
  "refreshToken": "YourRefreshToken",
  "inquiryID": "XXXXXX",
  "messageContent": "Hi there, Thanks for your email. I've looked into this and I can see that the item was dispatched without any issues at our end. If your item hasn't arrived within the next 72 hours, please let me know and we can look into this further. Many thanks, Customer Support"

This query returns the following data on success:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    // Response from eBay API...

On failure, it returns:

  "success": false,
  "data": {
    "message": "Failed to send message",
    "details": null