
GoBolt Track and Trace


Tracking NumberStringTracking number
UsernameCredentialsGoBolt service account username
PasswordCredentialsGoBolt service account password


Tracking Found?BooleanWhether successfully retrieved any tracking information
StatusStringTracking status:
Delivered, In Transit, Ready for Shipment, Ready for Pickup, Problem with Delivery, Returning to Sender, Label Created, More Information Needed
Status DescriptionStringStatus description
Status SummaryStringStatus summary
Last Event DateStringDate of the last update
Tracking URLStringTracking URL
Is Expected Delivery Window Present?BooleanWhether an expected delivery window is present
Expected Delivery DateStringUpper limit of the expected delivery window
Is Proof of Delivery Present?BooleanWhether a proof of delivery is present
Proof of Delivery URLStringA picture with the proof of delivery.(Multiple may be present on the tracking details)
Tracking EventsListTracking events
Tracking DataObjectTracking data

Statuses mapping

    "Label Created, More Information Needed": [
    "Ready for Shipment": [
    "Delivered": [
    "In Transit": [
    "Returning to Sender": [
    "Problem with Delivery": [
    "Ready for Pickup": [