Recharge Get Charges
Retrieves a list of charges based on different filters.
Available Filters: ["address_id", "customer_id", "discount_code", "discount_id", "external_order_id", "ids", "purchase_item_id"]
Uses this endpoint:
Input | Type | Description |
Recharge Access Token | SensitiveString | Recharge Access/API Token that allows us to make calls to the api. |
Filter | String | Filter to be applied on the charges. |
Filter Value | String | Value of the filter to be applied. For ids, it takes a comma-separated string of ids. |
Limit | Optional String | Limit how many results you want. Default is 50. Maximum is 250. |
Output | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Whether the call was successful or not. |
Charges | List | List of retrieved charges. |
Updated 9 months ago