
DHL Express Return Label


Account NumberCredentialsAccount Number from Account Manager portal
UsernameCredentialsDHL username
PasswordCredentialsDHL password
Ship TimestampStringThis timestamp identifies the pickup date and time of the rated shipment. It needs to be provided in the following format with GMT offset. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSGMT+k
Shipper AddressStringShipper Address
Shipper CityStringShipper City
Shipper Country CodeStringShipper Country Code
Shipper EmailStringShipper Email
Shipper NameStringShipper Name
Shipper Company NameStringShipper Company Name
Shipper PhoneStringShipper Phone
Shipper Zip CodeStringShipper Zip Code
Recipient NameStringRecipient Name
Recipient AddressStringRecipient Address
Recipient Zip CodeStringRecipient Zip Code
Recipient CityStringRecipient City
Recipient Country CodeStringRecipient Country Code
Recipient Contact NameStringRecipient Contact Name
Recipient EmailStringRecipient Email
Recipient PhoneStringRecipient Phone
Reference NumberStringReference Number
WeightNumberParcel weight


SuccessBooleanWhether label successfully generated
LabelStringLabel in base64
Shipment numberStringShipment number