DG Analytics Webhook & Trigger

Create a new webhook

To add a new Zendesk webhook for DigitalGenius go to Zendesk Settings -> Go to Admin Center -> Apps and integrations -> Webhooks -> Click Create webhook.


Next, you need to select the connection method to be Trigger or automation and click Next

The name of the webhook: DG Analytics Webhook

Description: it's optional, you can leave it empty

Endpoint URL: https://flow-server.eu.dgdeepai.com/ticket-analytics/{{ticket.id}} (for EU customers) and https://flow-server.us.dgdeepai.com/ticket-analytics/{{ticket.id}} (for US customers).

Request Method: POST

Request Format: JSON

Authentication: Basic authentication

Username and password: Check here how to get DG API KEY and DG API SECRET

Save Webhook

Once all data is added do not forget to save the webhook by clicking the Create button.
Skip Connect webhook step (click on Skip and then on Leave without connecting), it will be connected autmatically when you will create the trigger.

Add New Zendesk Trigger

To add a new Zendesk trigger for DigitalGenius go to Zendesk Settings -> Go to Admin Center -> Object and rules -> Triggers. Click Add Trigger.

Trigger Name: DG Update Last Assignee
Trigger Description: it's optional, you can leave it empty


  1. Status

The status condition will be set up to Status Is Closed, this would make sure that automation is only being applied to Closed tickets.

  1. Tags

The tags condition will be set up to Contains at least one of the following and in the tags list you need to add "dg-public". You can find this tag in the macro used to apply a public DG response. Usually, it’s named: Apply DG Response [Public].


In the Actions section, you need to add an action: Notify active webhook and select DG Analytics Webhook.

In the JSON body, use the following JSON object:

"last_assignee": "{{ticket.assignee.email}}"

Save Trigger

Once all the conditions and actions are created or updated, do not forget to save the trigger by clicking the Create/Save button.