
General Settings

General Settings

General settings for configuring the chat widget:

delayBetweenBotMessages1000The synthetic delay added by the widget if the DG bot sends multiple messages in a row.
messageAnimationDuration300The duration of the animation on messages entering the widget.
enableInactiveTabNotificationstrueEnables a notification in the page title about new messages when the page is not focused.
hasDragAndDropAttachmenttrueEnables drag-and-drop functionality for file uploads.
hasSendButtontrueWhether the send message button is enabled.
headerIcon''Specifies the header icon for the chat dialog.
initializationDelaynullSets how long to delay the display of the widget UI (in milliseconds).
isAnimationDisabledfalseDisables widget mount/unmount animations.
isChatCloseControlEnabledtrueWhether the dialog close control is enabled or not.
isChatMinimizeControlEnabledtrueWhether the dialog minimize/expand controls are enabled or not.
isDialogMaximisedfalseWhether the widget should be maximized on page load.
isChatLauncherEnabledtrueWhether the chat launcher is enabled. If set to false, the widget must be manually launched.
maskCreditCardNumberstrueRedacts any credit card or IBAN numbers entered into the widget before they are displayed or transmitted to any server.
showDownloadAttachmentsButtontrueWhether to show the download button for attachments.
enableCrmUserAttachmentstrueEnables the user to upload attachments after handing over to an agent. Only applies to Sunco and Gorgias.
enableNavigationTrackingtrueAdds a system event to the conversation page when the user navigates to a new page. May not work for some single-page apps. Use the trackNavigation method.
enableDGPoweredByLinktrueWhether the 'Powered by DigitalGenius' link is displayed and linked to the DG website.
persistSessiontruePersists the session between page reloads or multiple tabs. Disabling this is useful for WISMO widgets.
isEmbeddedModefalseWhen true, the widget is maximized by default, and when the user closes the chat, the conversation ends, but the widget remains open with the pre-chat form.
isWidgetDisabledfalseWhen true, the widget will not be displayed.
maxUserMessageLength250The maximum number of characters a user can send in a message.
csatCloseButtonDisabledfalseWhether the csat close button is disabled or not.

Maximising widget with URL parameter

The widget can be maximised on page load when the current page url contains the parameter dg-widget-launch.

For example:


For this functionality to work, you must ensure you haven't explicitly set isDialogMaximised: false in config.