Zendesk Get User Fields

Gets the standard user fields based on user ID.

Get data about a Zendesk user by passing the User ID, ZD token and ZD user.

Action Inputs

User IDStringThe ID of the user to fetch
ZD TokenSensitiveStringThe Zendesk Token. You can retrieve this from the Zendesk Admin area by clicking the cog icon.
ZD userStringThe ZD user email with "/token" appended to the end. i.e. name@example.com/token
Zendesk subdomainStringThe Zendesk subdomain. i.e. if the Zendesk URL is company.zendesk.com then the subdomain will be company

Action Outputs

SuccessBooleanWhether or not the request succeeded
TagsListList of tags associated with the user
DetailsStringDetails about the user
TimezoneStringUsers timezone
NotesStringNotes about the user
OrganizationStringThe users organization
User SegmentsListWhich user segments the user is part of
LanguageStringUsers language