Check if Empty/Null and Replace

Check if value is empty or null and replace it with second argument.


The Check if Empty/Null and Replace feature checks if a value is empty or null, and if so, replaces it with a specified placeholder. This is useful for ensuring that a value is always populated, even when the original value is missing or empty.


ValuevalueThe input value to check for emptiness or null.
PlaceholderplaceholderThe value to replace the input value with if it is empty or null.


ValuevalueThe output value, either the original value or the placeholder if the value was empty or null.


  • The value is checked for both emptiness (e.g., an empty string) and null.
  • If the value is empty or null, it will be replaced with the provided placeholder.
  • Action ID for this operation: 9d7b99f1-b83e-44dc-8b29-20be4a89b04f.