Concatenate Items in List

Concatenate fields of items in list based on path to a field in object.

Concatenate fields from items in a list based on a specified path to a field within each object.


The Concatenate Items in List feature enables the creation of a single text string by combining specific fields from all items in a list. A separator can be specified to format the concatenated result.


Items ListlistThe list of objects to concatenate.
JSON PathpathThe JSON path in each item pointing to the field for concatenation.
Text SeparatorseparatorThe separator value to place between concatenated text segments.


SuccesssuccessBoolean indicating whether the concatenation was successful.
Concatenated TexttextThe concatenated text resulting from the operation.


  • Ensure the JSON path provided is valid for all objects in the input list.
  • The separator can be any character or string, including spaces, commas, or newlines.
  • Action ID for this operation: 12bd2a0b-9d51-4ba8-b5ca-7fbc8c6173d4.