🔑 Parcel Perform Get Shipment by Field

Uses the Parcel Perform List Shipments endpoint to access information about a Parcel Perform Shipment (via searching a valid field_name and field_value).

Note: searches are filtered to shipments with latest updates within the past year.

Valid Field Names: tracking_number, shipment_reference, additional_reference, order_uuid, order_id, order_reference, carrier_id, carrier_reference, status, current_phase, tags, notification_email, notification_phone, tracking_page_reference, from_country_code, to_country_code, linked_shipments, issue_state, issue_types, shipping_type.

API Documentation here.


Parcel Perform Client IDSensitiveStringParcel Perform Client ID
Parcel Perform Client SecretSensitiveStringParcel Perform Client Secret
Field NameStringField Name (e.g tracking_number)
Field ValueStringField Value (e.g 0123456789)


Shipment Found?BooleanShipment Found?
MessageStringResponse Message
Shipment DataObjectShipment Data Object
Shipment UUIDStringShipment UUID
Shipment IDStringShipment ID
Shipment Tracking NumberStringShipment Tracking Number
Shipment CarrierStringShipment Carrier
Shipment StatusStringShipment Status
Shipment Current PhaseObjectShipment Current Phase
Shipment Created DateStringShipment Created Date
Shipment Updated DateStringShipment Updated Date
Shipment OrderObjectShipment Order
Shipment Latest EventObjectShipment Latest Event
Number of ShipmentsNumberNumber of Shipments Found