OIL Search For Order by Order Number

Find orders by Order Number

This action retrieves orders from OIL that correspond to a specific Order Number.


In order to use the action in your flow you need to provide it with the following inputs:

Order NumberStringThe unique identifier of the order. The action will search for orders matching this ID.
Subscription KeyStringSubscription API Key
OIL Tenant IDStringTenant ID API Key
Retail FormulaStringRetail Formula


SuccessBooleanTrue if managed to find an order; False if no orders found.
OrdersObjectIf some orders are found then this output will have the list of order objects with all the order fields.

This action uses OIL RetrieveSalesOrder endpoint - https://docs.omnichannelintegrationlayer.com/api-specifications/202401/#tag/SalesOrders/operation/RetrieveSalesOrder