OIL Search For Order by Order Number
Find orders by Order Number
This action retrieves orders from OIL that correspond to a specific Order Number.
In order to use the action in your flow you need to provide it with the following inputs:
Input | Type | Description |
Order Number | String | The unique identifier of the order. The action will search for orders matching this ID. |
Subscription Key | String | Subscription API Key |
OIL Tenant ID | String | Tenant ID API Key |
Retail Formula | String | Retail Formula |
Output | Type | Decription |
Success | Boolean | True if managed to find an order; False if no orders found. |
Orders | Object | If some orders are found then this output will have the list of order objects with all the order fields. |
This action uses OIL RetrieveSalesOrder endpoint - https://docs.omnichannelintegrationlayer.com/api-specifications/202401/#tag/SalesOrders/operation/RetrieveSalesOrder
Updated 7 months ago