Scayle List Orders with Filters
List Orders with Filters using Scayle Admin API
Uses the List Orders endpoint here
URL request format: https://{tenantSpace}{shopKey}/countries/{countryCode}/orders/filters[{filterKey}]={filterValue})
In order to use the action in your flow you need to provide it the following inputs:
Input | Type | Description |
Scayle API Token | String | Scayle API Token |
Scayle Tenant Space | String | Scayle Tenant Space |
Scayle Shop Key | String | Scayle Shop Key |
Scayle Country Code | String | Scayle Country Code |
Filter Key | String | Filter Key |
Filter Value | String | Filter Value |
Output | Type | Decription |
Orders Data Found? | Boolean | If Orders Data is found for the given Filter Key and Filter Value |
Orders Data | List | Orders Data List for the given Filter Key and Filter Value |
Error | String | Error message |
Updated 8 months ago