Initialising a Return
1. Create Returns Flow
In your customers dashboard, create a new flow, the name should be something along the lines of Returns Master
Give the flow a unique External Account Key
- ensure there are no spaces.
2. Get Order Number
Within the chat flow, capture the users order number, we recommend using a form component.
3. Send Initialise Message
Once we have the relevent order number, we can initialise the returns portal.
Add an Advanced Chat Activity
with the following properties:
"type": "initialise_return",
"returnFlowId": "*****", // id of the flow created in step 1
"externalAccountKey": "*****", // the external account key of the flowcreated in step 1
"inputs": {
"order_number": "*****" // the order number collected in Step 2
The returns flow will be executed with any properties defined in the inputs
object. But only order_number
is required.
"type": "initialise_return",
"returnFlowId": "*****",
"externalAccountKey": "*****",
"inputs": {
"order_number": "*****", // required
"step_type": "return_details", // (optional) initialise the returns portal on a specific step. Defaults to product_selection
"custom_property": "some_value" // (optional) any additional properties to be passed to the returns flow
Updated 10 days ago
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