Centra Search for Shipments by Order Number

Find Centra Shipments by Order Number

This action retrieves shipments from Centra that correspond to a specific Order Number.


In order to use the action in your flow you need to provide it with the following inputs:

Order NumberStringThe unique identifier of the order. The action will search for orders matching this ID.
API KeyStringAPI Key
Base URIStringBase URI - should be in the format clientname.centra.com/api/dg-order-api/xx


SuccessBooleanTrue if managed to find an order; False if no orders found.
ShipmentsObjectIf some shipments are found then this output will have the list of shipment objects with all the shipment fields.

This action uses Centra Getshipments endpoint - <https://centra.dev/docs/apis/order-api/api-reference#get-orders>

Centra Order API Setup Instructions

Go to System -> Stores -> Retail -> Add Plugin Method
1. Set Status = Active
2. Set Plugin name = DG Order API
3. Set Plugin = Order API
4. Set URI = dg-order-api
5. Set Secret API Key = any generated API Key (you can use an online API Key generator) - please send this value to us
6. Base URL should automatically be created - please send this value to us
7. Get Orders with Status Setting - set to ALL
8. Allow access to the following endpoints - set to ALL