Genesys Update Queue

Update Queue in Genesys

This action replaces a participant with the specified queue.

Please note: this action only works with a module connection, so please make sure to set this up in your dashboard beforehand.

This action is typically used to assign the conversation to a specific Digital Genius Email queue. This particular queue will have the auto-answer setting enabled, so that we can assign conversations to the DG user automatically. You can find the queue ID by navigating to the Queue settings page under the Admin tab. The ID will be in the URL.


In order to use the action in your flow you need to provide it with the following inputs:

Conversation IDStringThe unique identifier of the conversation.
Participant IDStringThe queue participant ID. You can get this from the Genesys Conversation data. The relevant participant ID has the purpose field = acd.
Queue IDStringThe queue ID to be assigned.
Queue NameStringThe queue name to be assigned.


SuccessBooleanTrue if managed to assign a queue; False if not.

This action uses the following endpoint - Replace Queue