DG Analytics - Record Resolution Rate

Full Resolution is a term that refers to the final stage of a ticket's lifecycle, when the email address of the last assignee user is captured by DG analytics. This metric allows DG to track how many tickets are completely resolved by its own team, and how many are only partially resolved or transferred to other teams.

How it works

  1. Access Gorgias HTTP Integrations https://{{CustomerGorgiasDomain}}.gorgias.com/app/settings/integrations/http

  2. Click on Manage

  3. Click on Add HTTP Integration

  4. Complete the HTTP integration settings following the below image

    EU URL: https://flow-server.eu.dgdeepai.com/ticket-analytics/{{ticket.id}}
    US URL: https://flow-server.us.dgdeepai.com/ticket-analytics/{{ticket.id}}

  5. Retrieve your DG API Key & DG API Secret via Settings>A

  6. Authorization header is generated using Create Basic Token action with DG API Key + DG API Secret

  7. Insert Basic Token and then Select Add Integration